Heavenly Guest

Randy Alcorn, author of the book, "Heaven," believes that from time to time people in Heaven are allowed to observe events on earth.

Last May, my oldest grandson was getting married. Pastors Bill and Brent were going to perform the service, and the bride and groom had studied with them for almost a year before the wedding. The bride, Jenn, was in her final year at UNH (valedictorian) and Tim Jr. had graduated from college the year before and was in the Air Force in pilot's training. They picked a date for the wedding -- one week after Jenn graduated -- and the only few days Tim could get off -- on a Sunday afternoon during Memorial Day weekend.

I started to think about whether or not God would allow any of our loved ones in Heaven to attend or observe the wedding! I didn't say anything to anyone, just prayed that if it was possible, that He would allow the family to be there. I come from a very Christian background and know that there are a whole host of loved ones in Heaven -- my husband Dick, my parents, my brother, all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and at least one set of grandparents. Even 5 Pilgrims! Tim's other set of grandparents were also believers and died in the last few years.

I had a great feeling of excitement as I prayed for this special event to occur. It continually brought tears to my eyes as I thought about it. All my kids were there. I still can't believe what happened.

The ceremony was at Goodwill-Hinckley. The procession was ready to begin. Because of the tight pre-wedding schedules of Tim and Jenn, no music had been selected for the ceremony and the organist was not known to either one of them.

So the music started. I wondered what was going on unseen in the church, pictured my loved ones arriving. I never turned around though or attempted to communicate in any way, just was in awe. I just was excited at the thought that they might be there!

Suddenly as the bridesmaids began to walk down the aisle, the organist began to play "Edelweis."

Now I have never heard of this being played as a wedding song. All of my children and myself began to cry. Tim's father was best man, and he was just stunned. No other song could have confirmed to us that at least Dick was allowed to be there!

This was considered by the family to be "Dick's song." We had seen "Sound of Music" right before he went to Vietnam in 1966. We would send tapes back and forth and always we (the kids and me) would sing Edelweis to him, and on his return tapes he would sing it to us!!! There was no other song in the world so much identified with him! My kids all cried, and wondered what on earth was going on. I didn't tell them until afterwards about my prayers. But I knew for sure he was there!!!

My whole family was in shock. My son was up on the altar crying, me too in the front row, and as soon as the wedding was over, we could hardly talk about what had happened. Pastor Bill agreed that sometimes God allows us these special "surprises" -- poor soul, we all blubbered all over him! I needed a glass of wine before I could even talk!

So I know that it is true, that God allows his chosen to occasionally have a view of our lives. What a fantastic blessing!!!

Sandy C

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